Sims 2: Super scary edition.


>be me.
>pirates Sims 2 because I'm bored.
>creates sim, settles into craptastic house.
>other Sims come over to greet me.
>start eating my food.
>gets angered.
>starts a fire in one room and seals them all in with a wall.
>laughs maniacally as they all burn.
>everyone believes it was an accident.
>meet this female Sim.
>things get serious.
>we fuck.
>we fuck more.
>we fuck a lot.
>find out she's pregnant.
>asks her if she wants to go for a swim in the pool.
>removes the ladder so she drowns.
>meets another female Sim.
>my sim really likes her.
>my Sim proposes to her.
>turns out she's death in disguise and he kills me in another house fire.
> I suddenly hear what seems to be my sim talking behind me.
>turns around.
>there's a plushie of my sim with fire coming out of his eyes.